Our 8th magical potion is available now in The Potions Cauldron on Shambles in York, The Potions Express at York Station, The Potions Cauldron on Rose Street in Edinburgh and in our online shop at thepotionscauldron.com.
Joining Basilisk Blood, Serpents Venom, Tears of A Wizard, Unicorn Essence, Cauldon Cola and Spellbound Butterscotch Beer, is our most magical drink Witches' Brew, a new blue grape falavoured potion inspired by Agnes de Moloay, whose 13th century potion recipes have been the founadtion of every magical drink we make in our cauldrons.
Once again the magic in Witches' Brew will come to life when you pick up the poition, turn it upside down and spin it three times!
Will blue be the new you and your new favourite potions drink?